“A Book Trip”

“A Book Trip” is a book written and illustrated by children residing in Buchach. It is a part of an initiative “The town through the eyes of children” under a Polish-Ukrainian-Belarus project “Сусіди 3.0 Суседзі 3.0 Sąsiedzi 3.0” (lit. – Neighbours 3.0”). The book is trying to use a fairy tale to tell about the most important details in local peculiarities of Buchach. The book illustrations can also serve as a coloring pattern.
In 2016-2017, the team of Agnon Literary Center participated in an international project “Сусіди 3.0 Суседзі 3.0 Sąsiedzi 3.0.” It is a study program of the Ukrainian-Polish-Belarus cooperation project to enhance active local communities on the basis of solidarity, equality, democracy, critical thinking, and diversity.